Nurture your baby. Supercharge your joy. Release your anxiety. Reclaim your creativity. Own your wisdom. 

Wild Heart Pregnancy.
Become the Mom you're meant to be.

Make the Most of Your Wild & Precious Pregnancy 

(to paraphrase Mary Oliver 😉)

You’re staying up till 1am researching the perfect stroller, car seat, and oral snot sucker thingie, but the list just keeps growing and you’re Feeling. So. Overwhelmed.


You’ve read all the books about pregnancy and birth you can get your hands on (and podcasts, and reels, and TikToks...), but it still feels like something's missing.


You’re committed to not repeating the patterns from your own childhood, but you’re not sure how to make sure that happens (outside of the oodles of therapy you’ve already done.)


You’re excited about being a mom, but you’re equal parts scared: of losing yourself, your relationship with your partner, of not being a good enough mom for this incredible little being you're bringing into the world. And you’d love to spend a lot more time on the excited train. 🚄


You really want to connect with your baby, but there's so much to do and when your head hits the pillow and it feels like you missed your chance. Again.


You’re doing ALL THE THINGS to take care of yourself, baby, and prepare for birth. But amidst the constant busy-ness you feel like there are other important things juuuust below the surface that you’re not paying attention to. Like, uh, your whole emotional world. 🤦‍♀️


I promise not to tell if it's actually a coffee–let’s just see if this sounds like you... 

If This Is You, Raise Your Artisanal Mocktail in the Air

Or How About Any of These Fun-Filled Symptoms?

  • There are fears tugging at you, but you grab your phone and start doomscrolling when you start to feel them. 🙈

  • You’ve done lots of work on yourself, but pregnancy and motherhood is bringing up some next-level sh*t and you’re not sure how to deal with it…so you’ve been avoiding it.

  • You are so grateful to be pregnant and you meant to make the most of this one wild and precious pregnancy (thanks Mary Oliver), but life is so busy that you barely have time for a Youtube prenatal yoga class, let alone the deep dives you're longing for.

  • You’re feeling like crap, waaaaay worse than you expected, and it feels like pregnancy is going by without you really experiencing it (besides the constant nausea, of course.) 

  • You want motherhood to help you be more of the best parts of yourself, but you’re already feeling like the constant demands are taking you out of your creative, alive self and into worker-bee mode all the time. 🐝

  • You’re so happy about being pregnant, but there’s only so many times you can talk about it with your non-pregnant friends or scroll pregnancy accounts on Insta. You want a more meaningful way to engage with this experience.

Being Your “Best Pregnant Self” Doesn’t Have To Feel Like That Elusive Hunt for a Halfway Decent Sleeping Position

You want to be the best possible mama to your baby. But that doesn't have to mean an exhausting mountain of self care, the perfect registry, a pin-worthy nursery, hours of perfecting your hypnobirthing, and an endless to-do list that you can never ever complete. 

Sure, you need to eat well in pregnancy and move your body. You need to prepare for a tiny little human coming into your life who needs onesies and diapers, and yes, maybe an oral snot sucker thingie. I’m not pretending all of this is not a full time job, on top of the other full time jobs you might have. 

Because when you’re out of tune with your inner wisdom, you end up spending lots of time spinning your wheels, numb-scrolling out of anxiety, and worrying about things that don’t matter, or that you can’t change.

But here’s the thing most people don’t realize: focusing only on the list of things to do on the outside, without making time for tending to yourself inside (your heart, your soul, your relationship with this little being growing inside you), actually slows you down. 

If Your Goal Is to Be the Best Mama You Can Be, the Inside Stuff Is Actually More Important than Learning the Lyrics to Baby Shark.

The inner stuff is what helps you slow down to actually connect with your baby. Which–bonus!–helps you be present as a mom once your baby is here. 

It’s what gets you in touch with your intuition so you can make the right decisions for you and baby. This is important for the millions of choices bombarding you now. But it’s an absolute essential in labor and birth. 

It’s what helps you face and move through your fears so you can be resourced and sturdy in your life, instead of reaching for your phone every time some anxiety creeps in.

It’s what makes space for intention and choice around how you show up as a mother, right now, and in the years to come.

It’s what connects you to the best parts of yourself: your creativity, your aliveness, your joy. The things that you want to be front and center as a mom, but are the first to fall to the wayside when you’re in busy action-mode all the time.  

(I know, you're out of breath either way.😂) 

9 months will fly by, and you can't get this time back. If you think you don’t have time now, just wait. For real. (Veteran moms, IYKYK.)

This is your chance to not only do this life-transforming work, but also to set yourself up with the tools to stay connected to your wise, creative, alive self in motherhood, when time for you is even more scarce.

And...that's how your "Best Pregnant Self" becomes your "Best Mama Self" (without the constant need to pee, thank you very much.)

While Pregnancy Might Feel Like a Marathon, It’s More Like a Sprint


Sing and write and commune with your baby like the magical Earth Mama you secretly wanna be. Dance your booty off to Beyoncé in the kitchen and LOVE UP your beautiful pregnant body. (Finally!) face your fears and feel your power. Own your wisdom. Set your inner artist free. 

Basically, be your whole ridiculously awesome self. 

That’s what your kid will want you to be.
(And bonus? That’s what this crazy world actually
needs you to be.)

A Pregnancy Course Like None Other, That (Lovingly) Dares You To...

Tune Out

The world’s not gonna stop putting bright shiny things in front of you. You have to decide to tune out the stuff that doesn’t matter (like your second cousin’s scary birth story that she word-vomited on your Facebook page.) So you can tune in to what's actually important to you.

You have to choose to direct your attention in a world that is constantly trying to choose for you.

I’m not saying it’s easy. But when you do? Holy Wow.
A whole world opens up.

You suddenly drop in and experience this ridiculously amazing thing that’s happening inside you. You learn to love the heck out of your incredible body and crush the idea that your body's “in the way” of what you want to do in your life right now.

You connect with your baby. Feel your feelings. Celebrate. Grieve. And everything in between.

You LIVE your life, rather than rushing through it. 

goal one

Yes, pregnancy is scary. There’s so much at stake. It’s new and weird–even if it’s not your first time around. Of course you’re doing everything you can to be well informed to make the best decisions for you and your sweet babe. 

But with all the information overload, how the heck do you sort through it all and actually MAKE those good decisions??

You need to be connected to a source of info that is nowhere near the internet. That’s YOU. 

Call it your inner wise self, your intuition, your inner Yoda. It’s all the same thing–it’s the knowing that we all have about what's best for us. And it is so freaking important to be able to hear it above the noise. 

All of the practices in the course are designed to help you listen for your inner guidance, so you can have that as a foundation for your life. It creates a muscle that you then use throughout your pregnancy. And I'm not going to add any scary stats, but being able to listen to the messages of your body/intuition affect birth outcomes in profound ways. 

As you practice leaning into that space of your own knowing, you begin to hear yourself more clearly and easily. You start to trust that unique voice in your own head. And then it becomes a resource you can access in a snap second when you need it. It’s like magic.💥

goal two

Turn up the Volume on Your Intuition. Loud.

Get Ready for Motherhood. (Or, as Ready as You Can Be for Something as Insanely Vast and Complex as Being a Mom.)

Truthbomb: preparing for motherhood (or adding a kid to the fam) is not just about perfecting your registry and taking fish oil. It’s about the inside stuff, like processing big messy feelings, or your relationship with your mom (sorry, it’s true.) And you can’t pick that up at Target. 

Sure, you can skip this one. Lots of people do. They spend hours pinning the perfect nursery, even as that little fear creeps in: “what if I lose myself,” or, "what if my relationship implodes?”

Then they spend hours painting that perfect nursery, even as the fears keep nagging at them (almost as often as "I miss sushi".)

Goal Three

You came into this world as a fully expressed little being. Using your voice, dancing with abandon, getting messy with paint, building castles in the sand. Being YOU, out loud. You were connected to the innate joy of creativity. (Just like your own child will be, before you know it.)

But somewhere along the way, you lost touch with that fully free, joyful, creative self.

Maybe it was in school, where the arts were shoved aside as something "special" to do once a week. Maybe it was later, when you were told you couldn’t make money as an artist or writer. Or maybe you hung onto creativity, but you still ended up with a voice in your head telling you that sure, you can sing, but you can’t draw.

Either way, you’re certainly not that free, curious, unselfconscious version of yourself anymore. 

We’re bringing her back. 

goal four

Reclaim Your Badass Creative Power 

And then they end up on the other side with their beautiful baby (and amazing nursery), and mixed in with the joy and exhaustion are still lots of feelings they never faced. And the feelings keep tugging and get h-e-a-v-y. Sometimes they can even feel like depression, weighing them down.
They don’t just go away.

I don’t want that for you. I want you to DIG IN. Because when you face the hard stuff, freedom is waiting for you on the other side.

Not the fake freedom of “oh, everything is just fine and always will be,” but the real freedom of “I can face all of the ways that life is outside of my control. I can feel my fears, and also feel my strength and power and my ability to deal with whatever comes.” 

Because that’s what you actually need as a mom.
(Yep, those baby photo props are totally optional.)

For you, so that you can reclaim your full self. And for your kids, so you can be a champion for them staying connected to their own creativity, and the joy and authentic self expression that comes along with it.

As you create from this place, you heal your own intergenerational shame around creativity. And by doing that, you make room for your kids, and your whole family, to be fully self expressed. I mean, what is better than that???

Plus, tapping into your creativity is one of the best ways to achieve all these other goals we just talked about: tuning into what really matters, listening to your intuition, and using that inner wisdom to prepare for motherhood in the ways that count.

Also? It's fun. And fun matters.

The wildly creative course that prepares you for motherhood from the Inside-Out.


The 4 Goals of Wild Heart Pregnancy 

How do we do it?
The Wild Heart Method. 

While most pregnancy stuff tells you what/when/how to do things, our method teaches you how to tune into yourself as the source of wisdom.

This not only kicks so much of your anxiety to the curb and catapults you to a next-level experience of pregnancy, but it’s also the secret sauce for having the best #momlife. 

Of course you need info. Your inner wisdom can’t tell you that your baby is currently the size of a kumquat (at least, mine can’t.) But when you’re not tapped into your own compass, it is so freaking easy to look outside for answers whenever any little question or fear pops up, and then end up overwhelmed, anxious and taking advice from aidensmom2378 from Australia at 1:23am on a Tuesday. 

the only course around that’s tackling all of pregnancy from the inside-out, using the most creative, fun tools available. 

Our method is one-of-a-kind because it works by helping you tap into your creativity. Even if you haven’t picked up a paintbrush in years. 

Creativity is the very best way to connect with your inner voice during pregnancy. You’re using a tool that’s aligned with the state you are literally experiencing as a human: you’re creating life. If there was ever a time to be aware of creativity as our divine birthright, it’s now. So using your creativity in pregnancy? Magic.

Plus, it’s fun (duh.) 

And, the more connected you are to your own creativity, the more you can be a cheerleader for your kids’ self expression.

Win win win. 🎉

amy w.

I've been leaving each module feeling centered and joyous in a way that I've barely felt through my pregnancy experience.

The course has been so fun and refreshing, there hasn't been anything else like it in my pregnancy so far. I feel so positive after doing every module and it breaks up my to-do-list attitude the rest of the week about all the prep I want to do before my birth.

"I adore the course!"
What people are saying...

A wonderful way to tap back into my creativity!

I was able to move beyond the judging mind, and into a space of self discovery and self expression. Julia holds a fun, nurturing and supportive space that helped me to feel safe exploring. 

Jenna v.

tori w.

Julia’s course was a welcome respite from my busy and work-centered life. It was a real treasure to get to tap into my child-self, exploring so many avenues of play and creativity.

Julia’s welcoming, jubilant, and non-judgmental spirit helped me connect with myself and be unafraid to make mistakes.

What people are saying...

“I’m Not Interested in Having Some Mom Life That Looks Perfect on the Outside. I Want a Life That's Amazing on the Inside. To Me, That’s About Being            –the Good, the Bad, and the Messy.”

Here’s what matters to people like us:

Being a great mom AND being connected to your own life force and creativity. Celebrating the sh*t out of the highs and showing up for the big lows. 

Digging-deep-in-the-soil connection with nature. Digging-deep connection with your own soul. Skinny dipping. Painting with your kids on slow Sunday afternoons while chicken soup bubbles on the stove. 

Adventuring around the world and seeing more of it because of your kids. Laughing until you cry. Crying until you feel whole again. 

Hot baths. Picking blackberries on the side of the road. Singing around a campfire until your voice gets hoarse. Modeling for your kiddos what it means to be a good human. Plus, ice cream on hot summer days.

“Yes, this and more, please?” 

Then, Wild Heart Pregnancy is for you.

Because you're determined to be your best self for your baby. And that means being 110% YOU.


The intro to the course, all about what to expect, what you need to thrive in the course, and why creativity and art is such a game changer in living an intentional life, even if you cringe when you think about calling yourself an artist. Setting you up for inspired action from the get-go.



Let's lay the groundwork for stretch-your-wings creative expression. Explore how you got to this place in your life (aka knocked up), including the highs and lows of this crazy road so far. Step into some woo and create a sacred space to honor yourself and your pregnancy. 



Connect with your little one on a whole new level through writing and song. Nurture the precious bond between you and your baby, both inside and outside the womb. Learn creative practices you'll have as an incredible toolkit to call on throughout your child's life so you can be that fun mom.

Bonding with Baby


Turbo-charge your confidence and self-love as you honor your freaking incredible body. Hello--you are creating a whole human being in there!!! Enjoy your miraculous body through mindful movement, connection with nature, and some serious booty shaking. 

There are seven modules designed to move you from hamster-wheel-racing through life to finally feeling the "glow" everyone's been talking about–inside AND out.

program breakdown

What’s in The Wild Heart Pregnancy Course?

Celebrating Your Body


Dive into your maternal lineage, the beautiful and the rough, and step into motherhood with confidence and strength. Own your life stories and build your storytelling chops. You'll need them for the many bedtimes to come.

Empowered Motherhood


Dive deep into the complex and rocky landscape of emotion around pregnancy, birth, and motherhood through guided meditation and the almost magcial power of collage. You’ll come out the other side with a heart that’s clear, resilient, and totally ready to take on whatever motherhood throws your way.

Hopes & Fears


Get crystal clear on your deepest, wisest intentions for your birth, and charge toward them like the unstoppable force you are. Rally a joyful circle of support to cheer you on as you stride toward this life-changing milestone with power and grace.

Preparing for Birth


I developed Wild Heart Pregnancy because I wanted to prepare for motherhood in the ways that matter most. And once I started developing these tools, I just knew had to share them with you. 

I'm sharing all my wisdom as a mama, Artist and therapist so you can step into motherhood feeling confident, connected, and totally yourself.

I live in a beautiful ecovillage in upstate New York, where I get to hike, swim, and occasionally pretend I’m a cross-country skiing pro—right outside my door (don’t worry, not all at once!) My kiddos are growing up in the kind of "village" people dream about, and yes, it’s as awesome as it sounds. I’ve tried my hand at more art forms than I can count (theatrical clown, anyone?), but these days, storytelling has my heart. I’ve also been a licensed psychotherapist for fifteen years. I’ve helped hundreds of people transform their lives through deep emotional work, loving connection, and—of course—creativity and play.

An Expressive Arts Therapist,  Mama to Two Amazing Girls, & Lover of All Things Creative

meet Julia

Kara S.

I had a nagging feeling that my resistance to creativity was holding me back from the intentional, healing, soul-connected self-care that I was craving. Julia helped me find and nurture the creative part of me that I shut down decades ago.

This was not only incredible for me, but it gave me the courage to model creative self-care for my kids, to be more playful with them, and to encourage them to honor their own creativity! I'm so grateful. 

"It changed everything"
What people are saying...

A wonderful way to tap back into my creativity!

I was able to move beyond the judging mind, and into a space of self discovery and self expression. Julia holds a fun, nurturing and supportive space that helped me to feel safe exploring. 

Jenna v.

tori w.

Julia’s course was a welcome respite from my busy and work-centered life. It was a real treasure to get to tap into my child-self, exploring so many avenues of play and creativity.

Julia’s welcoming, jubilant, and non-judgmental spirit helped me connect with myself and be unafraid to make mistakes.

What people are saying...

Course FAQs

more information

is this course for me?

When Can i Start?

How does the course work?

I'm so busy. How can i make the time for this? 

Do I Need to Be an Artist?


 try the course for 14 days. I hope you love it!
 But if you're not satisfied for any reason just contact us within 14 days of purchase and you'll receive a full refund, no questions asked.

100% Money Back Guarantee


Forget the "perfect pregnancy diet and sunrise prenatal yoga every day" best self. 🙄 There's actually no such thing as perfect here.

There's just beautifully, gloriously imperfect you, stepping into being the mother you're meant to be. And having the best time doing it.

Be Your Best Self For Your Baby
(psst…and For You)

You're pregnant and want to make the most of your pregnancy, whether it's your first baby or not.

You're curious about tapping into your creative side and using art to explore your emotions, hopes, and fears.

You want to step into motherhood consciously, empowered with a toolkit of self-connection and creativity to support your parenting journey. 

You crave a deeper connection with yourself, your baby, and the transformative experience of pregnancy.

You want to set aside some time during your pregnancy for introspection, creative expression, and personal growth--even if it feels like you don"t have any! 

You're not currently pregnant

 You have no interest in exploring your creativity or engaging in artistic activities.

You're not willing to set aside any time during your pregnancy for self-reflection and creative exploration.

You're seeking a purely medical or technical course about pregnancy and childbirth.

You're not open to the idea of embracing the spiritual and emotional aspects of pregnancy.

for you if...






for you if...

xoxo     Julia

As a seasoned expressive arts therapist, I've witnessed the profound transformation this process brings in private sessions. In the Wild Heart Pregnancy Course you're getting the essence of that work, distilled into a self-paced course you can do from the comfort of your couch (salted caramel ice cream at your side.)

The cost of a similar experience in a one-on-one setting could easily surpass $3,000. You currently have access to this powerful work for ONLY $499.

Let's do this!



7 Course Modules filled with Insightful & Inspiring Teachings
6 Themed Sections Addressing Essential Aspects of Pregnancy & Motherhood 
12 Dynamic Creative Arts Exercises with Step-by-Step Instructions
Guided Meditations & Visualizations
Downloadable PDF Resources

For just $499 you will immediately gain access to:

let's rock this motherhood thing, shall we?

Incredible value

"I love you, I love you, I do. Blame it on my Wild Heart"

(If Stevie knew about this course, she'd definitely recommend it.)

-Stevie Nicks

© 2024 Julia Ellis ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Photograph of Julia by Kateri Connolly