Courses and support for moms & moms-to-be, where your joy, creativity and aliveness take center stage again. Finally.



a life

you love 


The internet's BEST two week email series for pregnant mamas—
and it's totally free!

Your go-to resource for the stuff you actually need to know in pregnancy.
Wise, inspiring, insightful—and hilarious (if I do say so myself.)
Trust me, you don't wanna miss this.

Grab your daily dose of awesome!

The 14 Day Pregnancy

Hey there, mama!

And that, once again, you didn't make it onto that list? 

Yeah, you know you're supposed to put on your oxygen mask first. But how, when there's literally no time in the day when someone doesn't need you? And even if there is time, you're exhausted, and more often than not you end up mindlessly scrolling on your phone. Which we both know is not even close to being self-care.

Well, as an expressive arts therapist, coach, course creator, and mom who gets it--I'm here to help you flip the 'auto-pilot' switch to OFF. Together we can make space in your life for YOU--your heart, your soul, and your creative spark.

Believe me, life can get SO MUCH better. 

How many times have you found yourself flopping into bed at the end of the night with the feeling that your day was one long list of endless to-dos and caregiving?

Kara s.

I had a nagging feeling that my resistance to creativity was holding me back from the intentional, healing, soul-connected self-care that I was craving. Julia helped me find and nurture the creative part of me that I shut down decades ago.

This was not only incredible for me, but it gave me the courage to model creative self-care for my kids, to be more playful with them, and to encourage them to honor their own creativity! I'm so grateful. 

"It changed everything"


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My sessions with Cami changed my life


Iceland typewriter hot chicken, affogato tbh yuccie fanny pack pinterest portland hell of coloring book street art marfa. Shoreditch air plant squid, pop-up chambray kale chips actually brunch humblebrag mixtape occupy cornhole. Cloud bread jianbing selfies fashion axe. Messenger bag ugh yr post-ironic gluten-free pok pok.

Hands-down the BEST investment I've made


Iceland typewriter hot chicken, affogato tbh yuccie fanny pack pinterest portland hell of coloring book street art marfa. Shoreditch air plant squid, pop-up chambray kale chips actually brunch humblebrag mixtape occupy cornhole. Cloud bread jianbing selfies fashion axe. Messenger bag ugh yr post-ironic gluten-free pok pok.

I lost 9 lbs. my first 2 weeks with Cami

And my not-so-secret mission? Helping you use that creativity to create a fulfilling, joyful, aligned life, with you at the center. (Instead of feeling like you're just a needs-fulfillment-machine.)

I'm passionate about helping busy moms and moms-to-be (like you!) reconnect with themselves through creativity.

Hi, I'm Julia

As an expressive arts therapist, I've journeyed through life's roller coaster with my clients for 15 years (credentials? check!) I'm also the mom of two amazing girls and live with my family in a beautiful ecovillage in upstate New York. (Dreamy? Yes. Always easy? No.)

I know what it's like to feel buried under the mountain of mom responsibilities. I'm here to help you find your way out from under there--and get back to the magic of YOU.


& Soulful

are you ready to rediscover the

ok, mama,